Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dowsing - Subtle Energy Research - Clairvoyant Consulting - Psychic Readings - Medical Intuitive

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Subtle Energy - Dowsing Reiki Energy with a Pendulum

Hi All,

 I really liked how this info was presented.... what do you think ? [see below ] I saw a documentary once that showed a Philippine Chi Master on a sidewalk , channeling and directing so much Chi energy as to create fire in the crumpled newspaper placed by itself on the sidewalk. This was not a magic demonstration nor illusion , but a demonstration of this indviduals focus and "manipulation" of energy.

"sometimes I feel that we are but one dimension away from our potentialized reality"

 geodowser   international society of dowsers


note: we have no affiliation with this website below but felt it was worth of mentioning.


Subtle Energy - Dowsing Reiki Energy with a Pendulum

Our body is made up of many internal channels that provide for subtle energy flow as part of our personal energy system dynamic. These Chi meridians have been charted in Asia for many centuries. Even today, Western medicine is slow to study, let alone acknowledge, that Chi energy exists.  What we term as a healthy state occurs when Chi is in balance and circulating well within the body.

We are always in a constant energy  relationship with our environment. Chi affects us from the outside as well as from the inside. Our personal energy system interacts with everything we come in contact with. The concept of distant Reiki (distant healing) also demonstrates that this effect is without limit.  Without conscious effort, we are constantly negotiating our way through various Chi energy fields. Chi energy influences where we sit in a room, where we live, how we act, etc. The key is being in balance and harmony with the flow of energy. The system of Reiki is one way in which we can work with subtle healing energy on a daily basis and become more actively aware of Chi energy. The pendulum is a tool to aid us in this endeavor.

Dowsing is a term used to describe the process of sensing subtle energy.  Metal L-rods and pendulums are visual aids that helps one see when our body is sensing Chi energy. Essentially what is happening is that our body reacts to the flow of subtle energy with small involuntary muscle movements. I am sure a professional dowser will comment on this and say that the reaction in the body may be much more that  just a small movement of muscle groups. My step grandfather would experience the bark on his willow Y dowsing stick twist off when he was over a water source in search of a place to drill a well. This is the point, the more one works with Chi energy, the more one can move this energy through his or her body in increasing amounts. I remember seeing a video presentation by Bill Moyers on his coverage of a Tai Chi master in China (Healing and the Mind series). This individual could channel so much Chi energy that he could literally put up a strong energy field and repulse anyone who tried to attack him.

Subtle energy has yin and yang characteristics when operating in our world of opposites. Having polarity, it also obeys the laws of magnetism. For the record, magnetism is still a theoretical discussion along with electricity in the scientific community today. They exist and we spend a lot of candle hours trying to explain why they behave like they do.  My view is that Reiki and other healing energy arts use subtle magnetism in the form of Chi or Ki that is based on gravitational magnetism and not electromagnetism. See the Relative Magnetic Fields page for more information.

A good way to help one understand how subtle energy flows in the body is to work with a pendulum. There are a lot of books that discuss the use of these devices and they can be quite involved and ritualistic. The use of the pendulum that I am advocating for is not to use it as an oracle. Using a pendulum in this way can be tricky and inaccurate due to our desires and aversions. What I am referring to when using a pendulum is as a visual aid to see our physical response to subtle energy as it moves through the body. This physical response will show up as clockwise, counter-clockwise, or no rotation of the pendulum. These are the only three possibilities. When Chi energy is moving within our body the pendulum will register a rotation.

A pendulum is anything that is hung from a string or chain. One can be more elaborate but that is all that is really needed. Remember it is our body and not the pendulum that is in operation. However, one should explore different materials and determine what works best for them. My grandfather would only use the wood from the willow tree for his Y dowsing stick for dowsing water.  A great method to get the feel for using the pendulum when working with subtle energy is to work with a magnet. Any refrigerator magnet will do. Place the magnet on a table and then start your pendulum swinging  gently back and forth a couple of inches above it. This gets motion going and overcomes the inertia of gravity that the physical response from our body must overcome to register on the pendulum.

Breathe easily and just let whatever wants to happen to occur. What should happen as you relax is that the pendulum will start rotating one way or the other. Remember, you do not have to do anything but just let your body naturally react the way it wants to in response to the energy of the magnet. It is just that simple. Work at this for a while and get the feel for it. Dowsing with a pendulum is all about sensitivity and discernment. The magnet affords one a stable and predictable energy field to dowse so that you can get used to your reaction to subtle energy in the body and how it registers on the pendulum. Do not try to overpower the involuntary reaction from your body by exerting your will. Just let the energy flow.

The next step is to turn the magnet over and dowse with the pendulum again. What you should notice is that the rotation will be opposite of what you had before. Now switch to your other hand and dowse with the pendulum again. Guess what? The readings should be just opposite of what you had before. This is all valuable information in understanding subtle energy and your body. If you work with two magnets laying a couple of inches apart from each other the readings will be different again from one side- in the middle and on the other side.

What you are learning about is changes in polarity and how your body registers it when working with one or more energy fields (magnets or people). It also shows that our left half of our body is opposite in polarity from our right half. Knowing which hand you are using to dowse with and what a clockwise or counter-clockwise movement indicates is important. Switching hands gives opposite results. Now you can understand why people often differ in their interpretation of what clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation of energy represents. It is relative to how the individual is oriented when dowsing and the polarities involved.

Key Dowsing Insight

The next important dowsing insight is ones hands before and after one intends to practice Reiki. In the natural state of equilibrium our palms will register a rotation on the top side of the palm of the hand and an opposite rotation on the bottom side of the palm. When Chi energy is flowing the entire palm of the hand will register just one reading either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Similarly, your other palm will also register one reading but opposite in polarity. When finished, rub your two palms together and your energy system will go back to its natural state of  two readings-clockwise and counter-clockwise for each palm of the hand.

The Reiki practitioner can also dowse the chakra energy centers to learn more on how the energy moves and the relative flow of subtle energy in relation to other chakra areas. The more the pendulum rotates the greater the amount of subtle energy flow. For example, a chakra area that registers less rotation in relation to other chakra centers may indicate an area to apply subtle energy to. It is just that simple. Dowsing with the pendulum gives the Reiki practitioner additional information in understanding subtle energy flow. With practice, the pendulum can be dropped and one can just use their hands as dowsing tools.

Copyright © 1999 - 2006 by Thomas Lee Jacobs


in dowsing spirit,   international society of dowsers  new international dd forum   introducing rainbowsuns website.  [ modest but real ]



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Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Dowsing Discussion Forum

International Society of Dowsers and hosts   Connecting Like Minded in a informal settting .
A Gateway for dowsers on the internet.